Church Restorations - Tsairis Periandros - Hagiograph Preservation Argolida & AllOver Greece - Construction & Repair of Church Boards All over Greece - Church Conservator

Church Restorations - Tsairis Periandros - Hagiograph Preservation Argolida & AllOver Greece - Construction & Repair of Church Boards All over Greece - Church Conservator

31581 Visitors:
Address: Fichtia
Area: Argos
Telephone: 2751023551,2751076542
Mobile: 6936660939
P.C.: 21200
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
The hagiography painter in Argolida, Chairis Periandros, has an uninterrupted story of 125 years behind him, which was started by his grandfather (1892), continued by his father, Chairis Alexandros and since 1994 Periandros took the baton and provides work. soul in ecclesiastical restorations. Periandros immersed himself next to his father, specialized and gained great experience in the Reconstructions, Reforms and Restorations of Holy Temples, modernizing his work with the use of new materia...
31581 Visitors:

Fichtia, Argos

31581 Visitors:

The hagiography painter in Argolida, Chairis Periandros, has an uninterrupted story of 125 years behind him, which was started by his grandfather (1892), continued by his father, Chairis Alexandros and since 1994 Periandros took the baton and provides work. soul in ecclesiastical restorations.

Periandros immersed himself next to his father, specialized and gained great experience in the Reconstructions, Reforms and Restorations of Holy Temples, modernizing his work with the use of new materials and techniques.

His many years of involvement and specialization in this field, combined with the excellent quality of the materials he uses, has resulted in his recognition in his field.

The cleaning and maintenance of the hagiographies is done with specialized chemical materials which do not alter and do not damage the elements of the hagiography.
Restoration and decoration are done on wooden, plaster and marble iconostasis and if requested, they are gilded with 22 carat gold leaf.

Starting with the Fichtia, he undertakes and delivers projects throughout Greece, upon consultation.


Maintenance - Cleaning - Restoration
Church signs, Ecclesiastical furniture
Hagiographies, Murals on the wall, Murals on canvas
Image Preservation - Mural Preservation
Image cleaning - Mural cleaning
Carved - Plaster - Marble Template
31581 Visitors:


Telephone: 2751023551,2751076542
Mobile: 6936660939

Working Hours
